Our Escape from Berlin to Shanghai

Friday, February 7, 2025, 10AM MST
Featured Guests: Holocaust Survivor Evelyn Goldstein 
Pre-Recorded Seminar

Holocaust survivor, Evelyn Goldstein was born in Berlin, Germany on September 14, 1936 to Victor & Erika Wolpert. Prior to Hitler’s rise to power, Dr. Wolpert was a general practitioner, whereas Erika, served the family as a midwife. As antisemitism spread, her family experienced Kristallnacht, & knew they had to flee, as they secured visas thanks to the help of Ho Feng Shan, who helped to save thousands of Jews as they sought refuge in Shanghai, China. Upon arrival to Shanghai, Evelyn lived on Wayside Rd, was one of the many students who were enrolled in the Kadoorie School, before immigrating to San Francisco, USA in 1949. Evelyn is an active member of the Phoenix Holocaust Association, and regularly attends café Europa. Please join us in July, as Evelyn will share her Holocaust experience.

Please note that this is a free event.  However, donations in support of our many arts and culture activities are always welcome. 

Register for “Our Escape from Berlin to Shanghai” using the form below
Access instructions will be provided following registration and in a reminder email the day before the program.


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