Manny Riba: A Story of Survival

February 21, 2025 10AM MST
Free Virtual Seminar, RSVP Required

SPEAKER:  Susan Schneiderman, daughter of Mendel “Manny” Riba

Susan Riba Schneiderman is the daughter of two Holocaust survivors and a poignant voice for preserving the legacy of her parents. By recounting their courageous journey, Susan imparts hope and heartfelt wisdom from their experiences and explains why it is everyone’s responsibility to continue to bear witness to the undeniable facts of the Holocaust.  Her father, Mendel “Manny” Riba is the focus of many of her talks.

In the late 1930s, Manny was a teenager in Nazi-occupied Poland who survived six hard labor concentration camps in three countries and numerous attempts to end his life. His determination to survive and hard work led Manny & his wife, Sally, to Wisconsin, where they raised their family. Manny became a successful businessman and a leading authority in the cattle & meat industry. Later, he continued his business in Tampa, FL.

Susan and her husband Steve raised their two sons in a home filled with remembrance of the Holocaust. Susan, a retired Realtor, now takes pride that their sons, daughters-in-law, and four beautiful grandchildren are also continuing community-based Holocaust efforts, teaching future generations to stand up to all forms of hate and indifference. 

Register for “Manny Riba: A Story of Survival” using the form below
Access instructions will be provided following registration and in a reminder email the day before the program.

Please note that this is a free event.  However, gifts in support of our many arts and culture activities are always welcome.